Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ayn Rand

Recently I've been listening to Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" on audiobook from (awesome site). It's amazing! I don't have much time to post on this site anymore (not that I've been real faithful) so I'm just going to recommend that everyone go read "Atlas Shrugged." It's a novel that does an outstanding job of explaining Rand's political philosophy in a story form. If you don't have time to read the book (it's huge), then I recommend going to youtube and looking up Ayn Rand interviews. There is one she did with Mike Wallace back in the '50s that is great and another one that she did with Phil Donahue in the early '80s. After you watch those, if you have any questions or if you think she's crazy, please post your thoughts here because I would like to see what others think of her.

Let me finish by saying that I think much of her philosophy is right on. However, she is a little short sighted and is missing the big picture, but she's so close! (and yet, so far) She has enlightened me.